Voici une version personnalisée de l'algorithme alpha-shape (2D)
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le script est compatible avec les 2 moteurs Python
import sys
import clr
import System
from System.Collections.Generic import List
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
import Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry as DS
import Tessellation as TS
import math
def convex_hull_graham(lstPtx):
(lstPtx : Union[list, List[DS.Point]]) -> List[DS.Curve]
Returns points on convex hull in CCW order according to Graham's scan algorithm.
By Tom Switzer .
lstPtx : list of points
list of Curves
# sub fuctions
def toPts(ptVals):
return Point.ByCoordinates(ptVals[0],ptVals[1],ptVals[2])
def create_shape(lstpts):
crvs = []
for idx, p in enumerate(lstpts):
if idx > 0:
crvs.append(Line.ByStartPointEndPoint(lstpts[idx - 1], p))
return crvs
def cmp(a, b):
return (a > b) - (a < b)
def turn(p, q, r):
return cmp((q[0] - p[0])*(r[1] - p[1]) - (r[0] - p[0])*(q[1] - p[1]), 0)
def _keep_left(hull, r):
while len(hull) > 1 and turn(hull[-2], hull[-1], r) != TURN_LEFT:
if not len(hull) or hull[-1] != r:
return hull
# main function
# variables
lstPtx = [[pt.X,pt.Y,pt.Z] for pt in lstPtx]
lstPtx = sorted(lstPtx)
l = reduce(_keep_left, lstPtx, [])
u = reduce(_keep_left, reversed(lstPtx), [])
lstPtx = l.extend(u[i] for i in range(1, len(u) - 1)) or l
lstPtx = [toPts(p) for p in lstPtx]
return List[DS.Curve](create_shape(lstPtx))
def percentile(data, perc):
size = len(data)
return sorted(data)[int(math.ceil((size * perc) / 100)) - 1]
def get_near_distances_points(lstPtx):
(lstPtx : Union[list, List[DS.Point]]) -> list
iterative function to order points by near point (each point) and get distances
lstPtx : list of points
list of distance
startPt, endPt = lstPtx[0], lstPtx[-1]
flag = True
i = 0
list_distace = []
while flag and lstPtx and i < 100000:
i += 1
lstPtx.sort(key = lambda x : x.DistanceTo(startPt), reverse = True)
distaceToEnd1 = lstPtx[-1].DistanceTo(endPt)
distaceToEnd2 = lstPtx[-2].DistanceTo(endPt)
nearest = lstPtx.pop()
startPt = nearest
if distaceToEnd1 < distaceToEnd2 and distaceToEnd1 < 1:
flag = False
return list_distace
def tamariz_alphashape(inputPts, alpha = 0.03):
(inputPts: Union[list, List[DS.Point]], alpha : Union[float, System.Double]) -> List[DS.Curve]
calculate alpha shape from 2D point cloud
inputPts : list of DS.Point
alpha : the alfa precision
list of curves
print("Start processing")
inverse_alpha = 1 - alpha
inputPts = sorted(inputPts, key = lambda p : (p.X, p.Y))
#take a sample to get max_distance percentile
if alpha == 0.0:
uniqueCurv = convex_hull_graham(inputPts)
interval = max(2, int(0.001 * len(inputPts)))
print("interval", interval)
copyinputPts = inputPts[::interval]
distances = get_near_distances_points(copyinputPts)
distances = list(set(distances))
max_distance = percentile(distances, inverse_alpha * 100)
print("max_distance", max_distance)
maxX = max(p.X for p in inputPts)
maxY = max(p.Y for p in inputPts)
maxZ = max(p.Z for p in inputPts)
p0 = DS.Point.ByCoordinates(maxX , maxY , maxZ + 300)
delaun_Curves = list(TS.Delaunay.ByPoints(inputPts))
triangl_curves = []
triangl_curves = [delaun_Curves[i:i+3] for i in range(0, len(delaun_Curves), 3) if all(not c.StartPoint.IsAlmostEqualTo(p0) for c in delaun_Curves[i:i+3])]
triangl_curves = [sublst for sublst in triangl_curves if all(c.Length < max_distance for c in sublst)]
flat_curve = [j for i in triangl_curves for j in i]
lines_serialze = ["{},{}".format(c.PointAtParameter(0.5), c.Length) for c in flat_curve]
unique_str = [i for i in lines_serialze if lines_serialze.count(i) == 1]
uniqueCurv = List[DS.Curve]([flat_curve[lines_serialze.index(i)] for i in unique_str])
return uniqueCurv
inputPts = IN[0]
alpha = IN[1]
OUT = tamariz_alphashape(inputPts, alpha)
Le fichier dyn se trouve ici pour ceux qui voudraient tester
Note 2 :
Pour ceux qui souhaiteraient avoir de meilleures performances je vous conseille d'utiliser le package python alphashape
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